Friday, April 5, 2013

Cross post from Lisa Mac's Musings "Dear Toronto Blue Jays."

Dear Toronto Blue Jays

Earrings and Easter Eggs

When you are a member of a church choir, Easter is more busy than Christmas. From Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday, a church choir member has a lot of singing to do. Since I am both a church choir cantor and a member of the Grand Philharmonic Choir, with a tradition of singing a major Bach work on Good Friday evening, Easter means I am stupidly busy.

I abdicated hosting Easter Sunday dinner a few years ago, because I am usually (more of a) babbling idiot by Easter Sunday afternoon after the busy week I have just completed. Singing, especially singing at the level of the Grand Philharmonic Choir, is physically and mentally demanding and exhausting.

Since I was a child, one of my favorite things in the lead up to Easter was decorating Easter eggs. It ranked right up there with the first bite of Easter Bunny ears. I have passed my enthusiasm on to my daughter, and I had promised her we would decorate the eggs on Holy Saturday.

Having a child with OCD and Anxiety means dealing with a child with a laser-beam focus...and a need for constant reassurance. She went to bed Friday night knowing we were decorating Easter eggs on Saturday. She had been asking 30 times a day for 2 weeks when we were going to decorate the Easter eggs, and she checked the contents of the kit as many times a day...

At 3am Saturday morning, she was up and ready to decorate Easter eggs, because it was now Saturday. Yes, you read that right, 3 am. She STAYED up for the day and didn't crash until 10pm that night. We had gone to bed around midnight, and 3am is not a good time of night for me. I ended up going back to bed around 6am for a couple hours to try to beat the migraine into submission. The Kid came and woke me up at 7:30 am to inquire when we were going to do Easter eggs because the movie we had put on at 4am was over. She asked again at 9am. She asked again at 10am...We decorated the Easter eggs in the afternoon. They were lovely, at least I think they were, I was too tired to notice.

There are times when her challenges are exhausting, and when she is on a broken record about something, in absolute frustration I have said to her "don't ask again." And then I realize she can't help it. the combination of OCD and Anxiety creates a loop that she can't help. She will often answer "I can't help it." And she really can't. And then I realize it and feel like the world's worst mother. Maybe is a word we do not use in our house, because maybe means yes. It doesn't mean maybe.

Easter hasn't really been a big deal in our family tradition-wise (see Paragraph one). I was doing fine on Easter, until our music director handed me my mom's earrings, that my daughter had left at church on Good Friday. Minutes later, we started a hymn called "We Who Once Were Dead"... and I had to go and sob in the coatroom again. The combination of mom's favorite earrings and a hymn about death was my undoing.

I miss you, mom. I miss you in a million big and small ways every single day.